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how do i contact spacex starlink

Customers in both the private and public sectors pay for the space launch of their goods. Can I purchase it and have it shipped to someone in another town that can receive shipments and then install it at our home? The app originally had a "No and Yes" under contact support but now it's blanked out. SpaceXs HR Phone Number in the District of Columbia is 310-363-6000. It is not an official Starlink website. (Credit: SpaceX) Go to Ensure to make the form as detailed as possible. I camt tell forbsure from the map. Providing an efficient customer service system remains a vital element in retaining old clients and attracting new ones. If it works we will probably move forward. Step 1: Visit the support page on the website or app. Would I be able to get service? Our ticket keeps getting closed with no response/no help. The credit is shown on my account. I lived in a very rural area and signed up. Look through the categories available to search for your topic or a related one. Due to a space weather concern, now targeting no earlier than 6:13 p.m. People in parts of the United States and Canada who live between 44 and 53 degrees Fahrenheit can now use satellite internet. The maritime option doesnt show any availability using an address in either Germany, the Netherlands or Denmark. If it just isnt accepting your address on the order form, you can use Google plus codes:, I have just tried to open a ticket with Starlink via the app or webex and it says the following. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I can't do that because the button is hidden. Unrelated advice: Always pay bills with a credit card if you can. When you get access to the websites main page, endure ignoring the Order Now icon since you are not a new user, and you are only there to get support. Note: Some ad blockers will block our video player. Hawthorne is the home of SpaceX, a high-tech startup. Someone goofed so what do I do, can someone send me a email address or phone number please i have new credit card details. Thanks very much. No, Starlink does not have a public phone number to call. Then click Support, click on a topic, then hit the thumbs down icon. In 2015, SpaceX became the first private company to successfully send a spacecraft to the moon and return it to Earth. Maybe one for pre-order, and one for when you bought the dish? You must log in or register to reply here. The company is an upstart in the commercial space industry. With more than 400,000 global subscribers, Starlink has no doubt established vast influence as a trusted and reliable satellite service provider. if someone else could check the access. Getting connected is straightforward. SpaceX was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk, a Silicon Valley visionary and entrepreneur. The Falcon 9 is the most popular product among customers, having first flown in 2009. Hi I and from northern Alberta. SpaceX is an American aerospace manufacturer, founded in 2002 by CEO Elon Musk. { So, you can click on any of the options that best depict your complaint. Website users, simply click the support category for your issue and skip to Step 4. I wont create a duplicate. It is always looking for highly motivated individuals to join its team, which includes offices in Hawthorne, California and seven other locations across the country. However, this depends solely on the availability of customer support members when your request is submitted. Web